Our Story.

by John Richard Hovious, PM, and T. Stanley Tyson, PM.

Just when the start of Doric Lodge was formulated in the minds of some Masons, or who exactly was the leader in the organizational procedures is not in the records.  However, it appears all of the brethren at that time lived in Hillsboro Village area. The first minutes of a meeting are dated October 9, 1925 and state that Brother E. Blanchard Duke, a past master of Cookeville Lodge #266, Cookeville, Tennessee, had been selected to act as chairman and presiding officer. The first activity was to get the approval of three area lodges to allow the formation of a new lodge. The committee was selected to visit Cumberland #8, Phoenix #131, and Observance #686, asking for their consent. The request was granted by all. Committees were appointed to write a set of bylaws, acquire large equipment, and provide a place to meet, and determine the day of the week that was the most suitable to hold meetings.  There were 24 Masons who became the required charter members on January 30, 1926.

 It was necessary for each of the 24 brothers to pay $10 to the treasurer to have money to fund operating expenses.   Eight  brothers volunteered to serve as officers for a year under dispensation.

The first meeting of the Lodge under dispensation was held on January 30, 1926, dispensation having been granted by the Lodge of Masons in Tennessee at their convocation held in January. On this date, the necessary standing committees were appointed and three petitions for the degrees and one petition for affiliation were received. The place of the meeting was on second floor of the building named for the HG Hill Realty Company, 1819 21st Ave. S., and the monthly rent was $40. This was to be Doric Lodge's home for the next 25 years...  Notices of large meetings were advertised in both morning and afternoon newspapers.

In 1949, the Doric Building Company was formed, and the Lodge's current home at 2101 21st Avenue North, Nashville, Tennessee, was built on November 11, 1950.  A cornerstone ceremony was held on that date and attended by member of the Grand Lodge of the State of Tennessee.